BCI Alerts

Get personalised information on important account activity by simply taking advantage of BCI alerts. Now you choose the alerts you want and whether to have them delivered to your phone via text message.

Benefits of Alerts
  • Receive timely information on account activity in and out of your account

  • Saves you time, no need to stand in a queue or wait on the phone.

  • Save money on phone calls to check your balance.

  • Better control of your finances

  • Never miss a loan repayment

  • Be better prepared at term deposit maturity

  • dentify irregularities faster, reducing fraud on your account


Free to receive BCI alerts by email. For Alerts sent via text message to your phone, 25 cents will be debited from your account. NOT YOUR PHONE.


Because of all the rave about BCI’s unique products I've recently signed up to the People Saver, My Internet Banking and my current favorite BCI Alerts it gives me better control of my finances. I also get to rock my fancy BCI Master Card. It’s safe to say that BCI is trending with the people of the Cook Islands.

I couldn't be happier with the decision to move and encourage everyone to join in on the journey!

Marie Mcfadizen